Environmentalist, Solutionist & Inspirational Speaker

For over 20 years, I’ve dedicated my work to creating real, impactful environmental solutions. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of the challenges we face, I’ve embraced action—hence my title: Solutionist.

As a filmmaker, I’ve produced documentaries to raise awareness about critical issues, including an expedition down the Amazon River. In Ecuador I’ve designed rainwater systems for communities with contaminated water, and led teams of scientists using fungi to clean up oil spills. I’ve constructed buildings from thousands of plastic bottles filled with waste and taught agroforestry techniques that help regenerate soil and curb deforestation in the Amazon. But the work is far from finished.

We’re finally waking up to the reality of climate and ecological breakdown. Many people still look to governments or big corporations to solve these problems, leaving them feeling powerless to create change. But the truth is, we all have a role to play.

My mission is to identify the challenges we face and uncover the opportunities to solve them. Every one of us brings unique strengths, knowledge, and expertise to the table.

Throughout my journey, I’ve collaborated with mycologists, biologists, geologists, and economists—and now, I’m calling on more solutionists. Let’s not focus on the problems or what we don’t want. Instead, let’s envision the future we do want and work together to build it.

By learning from Indigenous communities and drawing inspiration from the natural world around us, we have the power to create a flourishing and resilient future.

Like a wise man once said “We must be the change we wish to see in the world”

And what a wise friend once said about me
“Nicola inspires, informs and educates not only about what is possible, but also what is required. She is a force for Nature”
Polly Higgins, Ecocide Law Advocate

My Work

For over 20 years I have been initiating environmental and social projects. After living for 6 months deep in the Amazon I travelled…


Whilst in the UK I am asked to speak at a variety of events from corporate AGM’s to schools and festivals. In schools I give presentations on the rain forest. This gives …

What Can You Do?

Often people feel like one person can’t make a difference, I am here to remind you that we can. Every action, every ripple creates…

Worlds tallest trees


Only by working together can we truly make a difference in the world. If you like what I do and wish to support me…