We are finally waking up to the climate and ecological breakdown that we are facing. For many they think it is up to governments or big business or someone else to fix the problems and feel disempowered to be a part of the change themselves.
My focus is to identify the issues we face and see what opportunities and solutions there are to address these issues. Every one of us have different strengths and different areas of expertise.
To help me in my work I have had to call upon mycologists, biologists, geologists, economists and now I call forth for more solutionists. We must focus not on the problems and that which we do not want but instead we must see the future we do want and work towards it. Like a wise man once said “We must be the change we wish to see in the world”
And what a wise woman once said about me “Nicola inspires, informs and educates not only about what is possible, but also what is required. She is a force for Nature”
Polly Higgins, Ecocide Law Advocate
This is my personal site, for environmental education and what one person can do see my original website Eyes of Gaia